Wakey Wakey ground coffee.
Our morning kick-starter: As effective as an ice-cold shower and a morning chorus of air horns (not scientifically proven – volunteers required); this punchy little number will start your day off perfectly. Sweet, bold and beautifully balanced for those who need more than one reason to get out of bed in the mornings.
Tasting Notes.
100% Paddy & Scott's original craft coffee.
If you've ever had a flat white or a latte at one of our Fuelling Stations, you'll already know our original craft coffee blend - we roast it ourselves and serve it thousands of times each day in our locations across London and the UK.

Suitable for all coffee equipment.
Wether you're french pressing, espressoing, areopressing, extracting our original crafted blend is for you.
Medium roast.
For silky smooth yet satisfyingly bold extraction and flavour. It's so damn special, it must be Paddy & Scott's.