Paddy & Scott's
Our ethical stance.
Our social and environmental footprint, lets tell it to you straight:
We are often asked by our customers if the coffee we sell is certified, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, organic etc. We are also asked if our products are packaged in recyclable or biodegradable packaging. We love responding to these questions personally, however, being sat in front of a keyboard answering queries is time we’d rather spend working on life-changing projects, so we thought we’d take this opportunity to spill the beans with you...

Are we a charity?
No, we are not a charity, NGO or not-for-profit organisation. We’re a small UK based, for-profit business that believes in sharing these profits with the families and communities that grow our coffee. We believe that doing good is good for business, where commerce can be a driver for change. We've got a committed team of people driven to make their mark on the planet. It's about much more than business, we're all passionate about using commerce to help humanity flourish.
Do we work with Fairtrade?
Yes, we proudly work with Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance Association and UTZ, supporting three projects around the coffee belt. The Cerrado region, in southwestern Minas Gerais, Brazil, best known for its homogeneous climate and altitude. The Kambata region of Ethiopia, which is known for the production of not only coffee but ginger too with our coffee coming from the Sidamo and Wolyata region, and most proudly in Vietnam, where the purchasing of our coffee has helped the farmers from the area to set up the producer group, Cudliemnong. The cooperative received Fairtrade Certification in 2009 and currently has 84 members.

The Muchomba Project - Kenya
This award winning, groundbreaking project was set up as a commercial joint venture with Paddy & Scott’s and a Kenyan smallholding coffee farm headed by George and Issac Muchomba back in 2017. We were shocked by how little money the small holder coffee families of East Africa actually received for their crop; sometimes as little at 1.5 cents per cup, and wanted to create a simplified supply chain that shared the retail margin (what the consumer actually pays for a cup of coffee in a coffee shop) with the community that grows the coffee. Since 2017 the project has expanded to produce enough coffee to fill over 1m cups per year.
The proceeds from the sale of this coffee have helped to fund a school, provide fresh running water, and improve sanitation facilities. We have also supported the development of a commercially viable supply chain, ensuring that the Muchomba family and their community can continue to thrive through coffee farming for generations to come. We are focused on building strong, sustainable partnerships like this one to help meet the growing demand for our coffee, while making a lasting impact on farmers and their communities.

Are the farms you collaborate with accredited?
No, we created the project and didn’t feel we needed to pay for external accreditation, which is expensive and bureaucratic (well someone’s got to pay for all those people and consultants who run these global organisations). We prefer to make decisions with the family, decide on what projects we’re going to fund, when and where. We believe the management of the project is best suited by our partners that live within the community.
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Mount Kenya Trust and Chase Africa UK to support and deliver critical Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (ASRHS) in schools. Alarmingly, Meru has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in Kenya, coupled with significant rates of gender-based violence and HIV infections, leading to devastating impacts on the individuals and their families.
Currently, there is no provision for sexual and reproductive health services within the school curriculum, and very few adolescent health services are accessible in the area. The need for these services is evident, which has driven us to take action in supporting these vital initiatives.
Our efforts focus on training health personnel, teachers, and peer counsellors, while fostering collaboration with both schools and the Ministry of Health to ensure effective coordination within schools and the wider community. Additionally, we are providing ‘Dignity Packs’ to girls, which are produced by local women for local girls. This approach not only addresses an immediate need but also helps to create a sustainable model that benefits all parties involved.
Each Dignity Pack contains reusable sanitary products, hygiene essentials, and crucial educational materials. We are proud to collaborate with Mount Kenya Trust and Chase Africa UK, organisations that share our values and goals, to provide support, encourage sustainable change, and most importantly, empower individuals.
Don’t just take our word for it, what does the world think of our project?
In 2020 the ITC - International Trade Centre, a joint agency of the World Trade
Organisation and the United Nations commissioned a 48 page report: “Better returns for
East African coffee producers” which highlighted our findings of how little money East
African farmers actually receive for their crop. Having followed and investigated the
project for several months the Paddy & Scott’s Muchomba Farm was highlighted by the
ITC as:
“Trading coffee directly with the Muchomba family allows Paddy & Scott's to reduce the
supply chain and support the farm and local community directly.”
“The entrepreneurial genius in this example was associating consumers directly with the
source, inviting them to be partners, to be part of the story, to visit the farm and see first-
hand how their coffee is grown. The partnership has also financed the rehabilitation of a
local school, a benefit to the whole community”
“The company invests heavily in the Muchomba farm’s infrastructure and agronomy to
ensure that coffee is being used as a vehicle for social impact. Paddy & Scott’s are
committed to pay above market price for their crop and enjoy an agreement that
guarantees the coffee produced by George and his team will go to a good home”
“Paddy and Scotts pays the equivalent of $6/kg plus a premium. This is substantially
higher than the 2018/19 average main-grade price of $4.70/kg published by the Nairobi
Coffee Exchange”
Yeah, it would be cheaper and much easier for us to just sit on our backsides and pay an
accreditation organisation for a sticker to go on our bags. Then we could walk around
acting all sanctimonious, with that ‘aren’t we amazing swagger’...but we thought you
deserve better than that. In 2019 our founder and CEO was awarded an honorary
fellowship from the UOS for this ground breaking work in both the UK and Africa.

Is our packaging recyclable and compostable?
Since 2004 all our coffee packaging has been made from aluminium free PET recyclable
material (please recycle this in the correct facilities). Our paper cups are compostable, our
lids are made from corn starch and our coffee bags are made from compostable potato
starch. Even our business cards are made from recycled crew t-shirts. However, we’re still
not satisfied and continually look at ways we can reduce our use of single use plastic and
reduce our CO2 emissions, we’re not completely there yet but we’re getting pretty damn
close. We genuinely believe we’re here for a good time, not a long time....
100% Carbon neutral shipping.
All Paddy & Scott's deliveries from orders from our website are now Carbon Neutral. We do this by working with Shopify to calculate how much Carbon each delivery will emit and then funding several world leading schemes which take Carbon out of the atmosphere, to make sure the same amount of Carbon is captured. We fund this ourselves and do not pass the costs on to our customers, as we believe this is the right thing to do and because we want our coffee to be a force for good in the world, not something that harms it!