Step one.
For a 12-16oz cup proceed with the following. Add x3 heaped teaspoons of our hot chocolate powder to a mug. (Do not be tempted to eat the powder RAW. Unless you're looking to re-enact the cinnamon challenge but with hot chocolate powder).
Step two.
Add a dash of hot water or hot milk to the powder and mix the liquid you've just added with the powder until a thick paste forms. This is the chocolaty foundation of your hot chocolate. Make sure it's looking thiccc.
Step three.
We recommend using hot milk (you can use any milk you want; oat, soy, almond, pea, wheat, coconut, peanut, cowboy bean, broccoli, quinoa or if you're feeling really basic water will suffice). Heat up your liquid of choice and pour into your chocolate paste. Smile. Whoop for joy and remember you've earnt this!